Long interview, yet worth a watch
You’re not a scientist if you don’t question everything – try arguing that.
This is a long interview – but worth watching and everyone should at least be given a chance to agree/disagree and think for themselves.
Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times.
Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19.
Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children.
He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organization of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment.
~ https://malone.substack.com/
– https://gettr.com/user/RWMaloneMD
Since #MassFormationPsychosis is trending, here’s more information on it.
Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms W/ Prof. Mattias Desmet | Aubrey Marcus Podcast
It’s okay to question…
Not sure why some just can’t wrap their minds around a government that is dishonest.. and further, still trust them entirely. They once told us masks don’t work – why? Because they failed in procurement & stocking. Instead of being transparent – they jeopardized lives arguing their point until they were blue in the face, yet here we are – mask mandates (at some point they were telling us to wear two, maybe three at the same time lol). So which is it – they work? They don’t?
Health care has been a mess for years – backlogs from the initial lockdowns placed a huge strain on our system, but instead of transparency – our gov’t blamed the unvaxxed, essentially pushing division, and creating mass fear… yet now they can’t hide the fact vaxxed or not, you can still get sick, you can still die, on-top, vaccines pose an additional hazard of an adverse effect – “shocking” – that’s what a double-vaxxed friend felt when she got extremely ill. The news told her nothing at that time, why – because they were pushing the jab and touting, at one time, you’ll never get Covid if you do your part. hmmm.
Yeees, for those arguing it’s for our health system (which has been struggling long before this).. at first, get the jab was to stop the virus – then it became, well, it doesn’t really work, so it was to reduce the numbers in hospitalizations. Whilst, according to Health Canada records, it is true, hospitalizations are higher in the unvaxxed group. Yet it doesn’t make death any worse – according to their records, vaccinated SURVIVAL rate is in fact LOWER than unvaxxed. So maybe it helped a couple of months at best – according to Israel, then it’s downhill from there, any help the “vaccine” was doing, is gone by around 5-6 months.
On top, currently we are sitting at over 30,000 reported side effects from mild – severe from the vaccine. However, this isn’t a pissing match – frankly I don’t care what you have chosen, and neither should the government in such a demeaning, inhumane way. Maybe they should take pointers from Japan?? – Nah, not our CCP loving Prime Minister — he would love nothing more than to lead a red army, because let’s face it, it looks just like that – the hate – the division – it’s quite disgusting, and will become a shameful part of our history. If you ever grumbled even just to yourself – “I hope that person DIES” – oh man, are you really like that? – were you like that before? Did you need to know someone’s health record before talking to them so you could make your own judgment and play God? I doubt it. What have we become? Perhaps we are what our Leader is? According to him, those who don’t agree with mandates — are racist & misogynists. Sure. Who talks like that? Great leadership there pal. This was the first video I saw of a protest after a video of our PM went viral recently for saying that… doh.
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What has changed? Nothing, except more people are angry – especially those that feel they followed all the rules, and yet they are still subjected to heavy restrictions, loss of business etc – and if you think a booster will save you? Why? Two shots haven’t, and pretty soon we will all be the same again – unvaccinated (according to the gov’t passports) – So get vaccinated, or don’t. Definitely stop cheering for mandates, death, harm, restrictions, job loss, wage loss, EI loss, business loss, home/family loss etc for those that don’t want Canadians forced, as one day, we will all be one again. So when will it stop? – this will never end until we say enough! This has been a pandemic of incompetent, greedy, power-hungry politicians. We have lost so many people to suicide, and overdoses. We’ve played their game long enough – we’ve all done our part, it’s time to focus on healthy habits, early treatment, kindness & replacing our maniacal politicians when time comes — that my friends is what will help us get through and overcome this virus.
/Sigh. Rant over.