Over 98,000 breakthrough cases in one week?

I try to keep tabs on our country’s COVID cases according to the numbers we get from Health Canada as it gets difficult to sort through news reports. With a much milder variant (according to most experts) surging through Canadian provinces, it’s not surprising to see numbers jump, but WHOA, I didn’t expect such an explosive increase for the vaccinated crowd.
As Canada is entrenched in arguments after Quebec announced they were thinking of taxing unvaccinated people and other hot topics such as lock-downs, a divisive Prime Minister, nightly curfews, the govt’s weird obsession with vaxxing kids, immigration, business’, Justinflation, mandates, charter of rights, opening schools, boosters, truckers, years of degrading health care, blah blah blah… Two years later, we are still a freaking mess, and thanks to our far-left government – we hate each other more. Joy! *not*
Canada: Between Dec 18th – Dec 25th
Unvaccinated + not yet protected (1 shot, positive within 14 days)
– Cases: 773
Fully Vaccinated + partially (1 dose)
– Cases: 98,203
For months, overall unvaccinated survival rates were slightly higher or very close to the vaccinated group, but as the vaxxed group cases have increased so significantly, they are now up by 0.46%. (Survival rates for both have been on average above 98.7%. So please breathe, don’t fall into fear-porn. If looking at numbers, focusing on recoveries [over 2 million Canadians!] and survival rates helps immensely.)
I’m only human, thus there could be errors, though I’ve done my best to record the numbers as best as I see them via health Canada.