Truckers for freedom – with Tom Quiggin

I didn’t want this podcast to slip into our list and get lost. Another terrific podcast from Tom – a must listen, a must share! As if we need more reasons to gain our Country back from a narcissistic psychopath, Tom explains why the convoy means so much more for every Canadian.
January 24, 2022

EP #147 | Freedom Convoy 2022; Truckers for Freedom
Freedom Convoy 2022 may be the last chance for Canadians to push back against oppressive pandemic mandates, globalism and Justin Trudeau’s aim for a post-national state run by globalists and elitists. If the Freedom Convoy succeeds, the flames of freedom may spread across Canada. If not, the flame of hope may be extinguished.Tom Quiggin is a former intelligence officer who served in Bosnia. Following uniformed service, he worked for the International War Crimes Tribunal, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. A court expert on terrorism, an author of a book on national security intelligence. He is a Senior Research Fellow with the Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies and an Adjunct at the Royal Military College.