Don’t feed the trolls – peace and love

We still have an account on twitter 😳, but we don’t really use it much. An automatic app shares our video links & every blue moon we’ll retweet something… that’s about it.

However, with the trucker convoy in full swing, twitter has been one part of my search to find content about the convoy. Sad to say, I’m three days in, and I’m already feeling sad and icky. I get it though, we have a Prime Minister alongside his state media outlets that have used their position of power to instill seething hatred and divide – but now in full view, we see the elusive majority rising up from the shadows… because contrary to the vaccine numbers – it never meant all of them were okay with not having a choice – which this convoy has been all about – blatant, corrupt, government overreach.

So don’t feed the trolls, it’s honestly not worth it – keep your eyes on the goal – focus intently on the Canadian warmth & love – and remember, it only takes a small percentage of peaceful protesters to make a change!

We are Canadians no matter how much Trudeau doesn’t believe we are, and with this convoy – I really hope you can see the beauty and feel the overwhelming emotions of unity we have all been missing for far too long. *hugs* and remember, for some, two years of gloom/doom/sadness/hate/divide/lies/scandals makes it an uphill battle for them to return to normal – it’s not always easy for a victim of abuse to leave.

Stay focused – bless this great movement

Jan 23: “🎢 Oh Canada”

Military saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians


PS. I know we hate to think it, but gov’t plants are all over (social media and IRL)… Don’t be fooled into doing something “wrong”, violent, against the law – whatever. Don’t be a douche. An image in the dark, with a sea of Canadians – phones lit up, singing our national anthem is more powerful than stupid behaviour. Just think of the images of unity we have seen thus far of people waiting in freezing cold weather to hand out food, drinks, and love! How did that make you feel?

The more peaceful we are – MORE WILL JOIN! – We have seen Canadians protesting peacefully – that should not change.

Unity and love will prevail

The organizers and everyone speaking must, MUST reiterate this peaceful statement, over-and-over – in every speech they make. Distance themselves from stupid idiot plants that will try to instill rioting or damage – Walk away if you see it happening, for the love of God, never ever get caught up in it. A small group of idiots will never grow to the size of all the rest who are there for peace and unity. That group will disperse quickly if everyone immediately leaves like they just saw a skunk!

Remember, the government has spent trillions to push their narrative, condemn their citizens, brainwash the masses – this has been a huge endeavour of abusive behaviour for their “Build back better/Great Reset”. Tons of power & dirty money is involved. They won’t go down easily! – Don’t make it easy for them to brand good grass-root Canadians as crazy terrorists or whatever (THEY ARE ALREADY TRYING TO), don’t make the same mistake the US did.

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