Trudeau is behaving like a Tyrant says MEP Cristian Terheș
[Video below] We see countries right now, emerging countries that have stronger economies than any economy in the EU. What made us strong, over the history, and I’m talking about the western world, were the values — the respect for basic fundamental rights, the understanding that the government is there to serve you as a citizen, as a person, not for you to serve the government. And what the Prime Minister of Canada, the way he’s behaving right now, he’s exactly like a tyrant, like a dictator. He’s like [Nicolae] Ceaușescu of Romania. If even you doubt, if you raise doubts about the vaccines you’re outcasted. What’s the difference between what he does and what happened under the inquisition. See on one side they say, we should not believe in God, but on the other side they say believe in science. We don’t have to. Science is not about belief. Science is about measurements, conclusions, hypothesis, and arguments. We got to a point right now where even if you say something, if you raise any doubt, you’re already considered, you know as whatever.. they label you in very different ways. This is not okay, and I have to tell you. When I saw the protest in Canada, the way the truckers over there reacted, I got in touch with some of them, others contacted me, I congratulated them and I want to use this opportunity to thank them. I hope this movement for freedom, and for rights, is spreading all around the world because at the end of the day we have to make sure that all these elected officials, they understand that they were elected in those offices to work for the people, not to behave like masters of slaves. Member of the European parliament – Cristian Terheș
Cristian mentions, Nicolae Ceaușescu – who was he?
In the shortest videos possible…
The Romanian Revolution: Explained (Short Animated Documentary)
22nd December 1989: Romanian Communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu overthrown in the Revolution of 1989