Govt to seize finances for BLM, climate activists, pro-abortion, indigenous peoples, students, all protests.
Did that make your heart thump? The headline is not true, yet.
Liberals won’t be in power forever.
For all those cheering Trudeau’s zero to nuclear option of the Emergencies act, just remember… Normalizing such an extreme measure from any government will end up biting all of us in the ass.
Not even the supposed “workers” party, NDP, will save us.
Bottom-line: The government has waged a war against anyone that does not think like them. They are condemning millions of blue-collar Canadians. Workers we rely on heavily – farmers, truckers, front-line workers. Trudeau’s flimsy rhetoric that 90% are vaccinated, thus the majority of Canadians praise him – doesn’t take into account millions did so because they felt forced. He lives in his radical, far-left, communist bubble – biased-polls and paid state media to enact policies – such as his bill in attempts to regulate social media and streaming services. Make no mistake – in true dictator fashion – he wants to shut down any dissent. He’s an abusive narcissist – The Truckers bruised his ego – so he wants them, and any Canadian that supported them, ruined. Literally. On that note, incase you missed it – Trudeau enacted the Emergencies act because of a CBC analysis – True story – “No departmental reports underlying this assessment. No RCMP intel. Nothing except a story put together by three CBC reporters -Toronto Sun”.
– 7/10 premiers have gone against Trudeau’s Emergencies act.
– any border closures were dealt with prior to his enactment of the Emergencies act.
– 3 human-rights foundations and 1 premier (so far) are bringing this to court.
– A USA Congresswoman, Yvette Herrel is filing for asylum for Canadians persecuted by Trudeau (in all our lives, can you believe that – we are now in her words – political prisoners).
So it begins..
This is like something out of both #georgeorwell and #philipkdick – an OPP officer doing a pre protest visit to a law abiding citizen named Nadine Ellis-Maffei who on Facebook indicted she may go to the #FreedomConvoy protest. The OPP gave her a leaflet on how to behave. #2022
— Joe Warmington (@joe_warmington) February 12, 2022
Those who cheer getting a visit from the police for “liking” a post – are lost, brainwashed, unCanadian. There’s just no other words to think China-made tactics are for Western people.
” The government has waged a war against anyone that does not think like them “
We need to stop, breathe and think here. Open your minds. While Trudeau may wish to stay in his elite bubble – are the rest of us too small minded to imagine…
- Over 7 million Canadians are unvaccinated
- Millions begrudgingly lifted up their sleeves from Aug-Dec 2021 fearing job loss
- Vaxxed parents have rebelled against the shot
- There has been dissent from vaccinated people against boosters, lock-downs, coearsed vaccinations.
- Thousands of small business’, and their employees have taken a major hit
- Liberals want to target millions like Gen-Z/Millennials that use platforms like Crypto, Tic-Toc’ers, Instagramers, Whatsapp, Bloggers, Streamers, aspiring journalists…
Perhaps; that 90% he touts as to why he does all the maniacal things he does – doesn’t look so grande afterall.
Even with our small [ongoing] poll – some of those who voted for “Truckers to go home” – also thought Trudeau wants to lock us down for 2-3 more years – while also revoking our passports in favour of more boosters, they also agreed Trudeau should have negotiated first, some thought the Emergency act was too much, some believe he incited hate/division.
As countries (and some of our own provinces) eliminate, or heavily-reduce restrictions, and passports. Trudeau wants more. Make no mistake, the “FRINGE” are the ones hoping for more shots, more lock-downs, more sanctions/rules/regulations. Trudeau’s oxymoronic crazy talk is ridiculous – he states he knows we are all frustrated and tired – but – who cares he smirks to himself – get vaccinated he continues – don’t like it? I’m taking all your finances, bitcoin, ruining your credit score, selling your vehicles, closing your business, taking your pets, forcing tow trucks to work, and kiss my ass – I also plan to make some of those rules permanent, he smiles gleefully.
Be careful what you wish for.
As the house votes today, we will see how tyrannical and/or weak each member is. Good luck Canada!
– Let’s not forget. Our Prime Minister received the lowest support in Canadian history, with 32% of the vote.
– Elections Canada is now looking into over 200k missing ballots: 123k were sent-late to electors, some lost and not counted – which was “greater than the margin of victory between Liberal and Conservative candidates nationwide โ 190,790 votes. – TorontoSun”
– Some may fail to realize, we are about to be in a whole lot of hurt as the USA truckers take to the road in protest alongside their Canadian brethren. Trudeau likes to boast most of our truckers are vaccinated! Well, USA truckers are only 50-60% vaccinated. Some US companies have even pulled out of Canadian deliveries because they did not want to force their own workers.
– Ottawa is cleared – so why is he continuing to push this?
Makes one understand why a Romanian politician, currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament, Cristian Terheศ compared Trudeau to a tyrannical leader they once had — One that made the same mistake of thinking all his people loved him. Some may never see the writings on the wall, but those that lived it, do. Though this dictator’s ending was way too harsh – yikes. I believe we will have a whirlwind of investigations after the dust settles. 1989 ๐