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THROWBACK: In light of the BLOC voting for Canadians to PAY UP: Quebec gets special deal on carbon tax.

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☞ Go to article source @: Canadian Taxpayers Federation

‘s comment/summary:
OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is highlighting a fundamental unfairness in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax policy: Quebec is paying a lower carbon tax than the rest of Canada.


“Trudeau’s special deal for Quebec shows the carbon tax was always about politics, not the environment,” Terrazzano said. “Canadians should all pay one carbon tax rate, and that rate is $0.” ~Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Riddle me this, there’s not one BLOC representative in all of Canada, except Quebec. Yet they have just joined the (corrupt, mafia like) Liberals and decided we all have to pay up. They should have abstained. They shouldn’t even be a federal party. Ottawa & QUEBEC is a danger to the rest of Canada. The EAST and WEST need to divide. Their priorities are their own, nobody can deny this.

“This country, CANADA, belongs to us (Quebec)” – Justin Trudeau

Conservative motion to extend carbon tax pause foiled by Liberals, BlocConservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's motion to extend the carbon tax exemption to all forms of home heating was defeated in the House of Commons on Monday, despite unexpected support from the NDP. 
Conservative motion to extend carbon tax pause foiled by Liberals, Bloc tnc.news
Conservative motion to extend carbon tax pause foiled by Liberals, Bloc

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  1. Anonymous Tapir-3082

    Makes sense to me

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