Sigh, CTV slammed on X/twitter for terrible headline
• Shared by: (1 year ago)• Tagged under: Biased Journalists, Canada, Headlines, Politics, Social Media
☞ Go to article source @: X (formerly Twitter)
‘s comment/summary:
To be fair, I’ve seen this headline in a few publications, so this appears to be an aggregated story which they cite was written by “Barbie Latza Nadeau @ CNN”.
The fact remains this is a twisted click-bait headline involving a 13 year old girl that was raped by a gang of migrants, turned into slandering the “far-right” for being angry at what happened to the little girl.
As of now, the headline still stands. It’s extremely disappointing nobody at CTV has edited it despite hundreds of people complaining on their post.
From one immigrant to everyone, it’s okay to be upset at an unnatural, harmful balance of newcomers. It’s okay to be angry with politicians that allow those that come here not wanting to assimilate, change laws for their own purposes, that cause chaos/crime, gang-up, or remain on state welfare. You’re not racist or far-right for being angry with changes that change your country for the worst with even topics such as lack of housing & health-care. It’s best you speak up now before it’s too late. I won’t be surprised if one day, countries will round up millions of undocumented (like Pakistan just did) and send them back, including impose extremely strict laws to deport if caught in any criminal activity within XX years (a trial period). This is the way. Come here and be a decent citizen, or go back. I did, along with millions of others that did not want to invade but wanted a beautiful, safe country to live in and to learn to be “Canadian” despite Justin Trudeau not believing we have a collective identity.
The article cites several examples of migrants raping minors. Then, it attempts to draw readers to the conclusion that the politicians & parties against it are unjustifiably wrong for being angry and wanting to do something about it.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why… https://t.co/Mv9A0OQxNt
— John Thomson (@JohnThomsonSK) February 11, 2024
So let’s get this straight. If you’re against migrants gang raping minors, you’re far-right.
— OG Horses Kisses 🇨🇦🎗 (@CdnFreedomGirl) February 11, 2024
Apparently being concerned about children being gang raped is far right? Meanwhile @CTVNews is committed to demonstrating how morally bankrupt they are. It’s time to financially bankrupt this company.
— JChimpo (@chimpo_j) February 11, 2024
Gang rape isn’t “fodder” enough for the moderate left?
— RobO SGT(ret)🇨🇦🍎 (@RobO_65) February 11, 2024
I think this is the worst headline I have ever seen. Far right will use gang rapes by immigrants to deport them. Would far left want to keep them?
— Nancy – (@NpNprentice) February 11, 2024
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