Election promises, but do libs really care? – 10 days paid sick leave only for federal workers.
HA! Feels so clicky right, well IT IS! Trudeau even made the announcement at a grocery store in Winnipeg after thanking them for their dedication during COVID, but none of them would be eligible for that increase in paid sick leave lol. SLAP! Only federal workers like banking, airlines, radio/tv broadcasting, and Crown corporations.
Those pesky elite election promises bribes: but do they really care? Reminds me of a vote in the house of commons last year that showed just how much they care…
If you got seriously ill, would you want more sick days? Liberals don't think so
Yesterday (February 19th) , the house voted in favor “That the House call on the government to increase the special Employment Insurance sickness benefits from 15 weeks to 50 weeks in the upcoming budget in order to support people with serious illnesses, such as cancer” — The motion was sponsored by Leader of the Bloc […]