BC hospitalizations high – clouding possibility lifting restrictions
Really? Despite other countries lifting and or majorly easing all restrictions/passports, and data clearly showing restrictions have caused more harm and death — Despite Dix at one point mentioning the beds weren’t full – but they didn’t have staff to man them (while unvaccinated nurses were still fired)… Get your shots they push / we hate locking you down they say. They’ve spent millions on a passport for power and division – while the hospitals crumble under pressure because of years of bureaucratic red tape, poor management, and yep! restrictions that caused thousands of backlogs / fired front-line workers.
Cases in Canada: Between Oct 16th – Jan 15th
Unvaxxed*: 89,977
Vaxxed: 541,298
* includes COVID cases within 14 days after 1st dose
(According to Health Canada 83.75% has had 1 shot – 77.94% fully vaxxed) – “if we all got the shots this would end they say” – and yet the cases are out of control with VACCINATED (clearly showing they’re not impervious to hospitalizations/death: infact between the unvaxxed and vaxxed their overall survival rates are close & ages 0-60 yrs is a whopping 99.6+% survival). Thus, rightly so, booster shots / vaccinations have fallen, and child vaccinations tumble as parents back away. Polls indicate Canadians want this to END, they want unity, freedom to choose – and anger for a sitting Prime Minister that only got 32% of the votes increases… [ It also doesn’t help with recent news that over 200,000 votes were lost, late, or cancelled. Including “electors in 274 of 635 First Nation reserves had to drive to another town to cast ballots and Kenora, Ont. didn’t have any election day polling stations in three First Nations communities” ~Toronto Sun. (https://torontosun.com/news/national/elections-canada-205000-mail-in-ballots-were-not-counted). ] Strange isn’t it – to call an election during a deadly pandemic that under other times – harsh restrictions are in place. This government and the provinces have failed miserably – the sooner you see it – we get out of this. So when you think you’re alone – you’re NOT. Support the Workers Freedom Convoy! – It’s just not feasible to live like this. As for how to get out of this: Divert money to the hospitals, increase front-line pay, focus on the elderly/sick – early treatment – overall health – cleanliness.. just search – there are literally thousands of Doctors and scientists fighting for alternative options that have been shut down by governments, state media, internet giants – some have been fired. What kind of crazy is this when second medical-opinions have been silenced. It all stinks…. Stop watching MSM. Unite – we are better than Trudeau’s vision for Canada of fear, hatred and division. It’s just not us.
@quebec_rise_upStay in love my friends 😘❤️♬ original sound – Quebec_rise_up
In Toronto tonight, Canadians are united in freedom and unity with hockey sticks and bhangra 😁 pic.twitter.com/jpRgDz2sHS
— Dustin Penner (@Dustinpenner25) February 6, 2022