The StarPhoenix

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Founded: 1902
Frequency: Daily
Language: English
Company: Postmedia Network
Based in: Saskatoon

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About The StarPhoenix

**Note: To be fair, given our own bias, descriptions below (if any) are from the 1st paragraph in WIKI. It is rumoured Wiki leans left. The StarPhoenix is a daily newspaper that serves Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, and is a part of Postmedia Network. The StarPhoenix puts out six editions each week and publishes one weekly, Bridges. It is also part of the web portal. ~Wiki

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  • [ Presentation ] - Despite any bias, do they present their media well (whether written, tv, radio etc)?
  • [ Service ] - Customer Service, listening to feedback, reliable timelines & communication. etc
  • [ Integrity ] - they hold a firm adherence to a code of moral or artistic values : incorruptible


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